Appalachian Trail Thru Hikers 2018

Posted by2 years ago

2018 Prospective AT Thru-hikers -- The Financial Payoff

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers: Class of 2018 October 18, 2018 The 2018 AT Hiker Survey is closing soon. If you attempted a thru-hike this year, share your experiences in the survey below. Congrats to These 2018 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers! (Week of July 22) - The Trek July is giving way to August, and the very first of the northbound thru-hikers are answering the siren song of Mount Katahdin. A huge round of applause for these brand-spanking-new thru-hikers!

If you currently have a job, are single and are leaving your existing job to start an AT thru-hike, a great long-term advantage is on the table for you to realize. You're probably thinking the money from passing every blaze and thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail will be completely down the drain. Lost. Financially gone forever.

That's where you're wrong.

You're not thinking this through -- just like the 90% of AT thru-hikers who come to the AT unprepared and go home early.

The part you're not understanding for the long-term is passing every white blaze and thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail teaches you how little it takes to make yourself happy.

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That knowledge is enormously valuable.

Don't underestimate the magnitude of this idea. That simple concept plays huge into your future financial picture. You'll know, rather accurately, how simple things will make you happy. Even years later after your AT thru-hike has been completed you'll likely be unfazed by Madison Avenue and much more focused with how you use your money.

Over a lifetime, that adds up to a colossal amount of money saved.

Appalachian Trail Through Hikers 2018

It's your ticket to long-term financial security and independence.

When I update Datto's Tips to the next version (current version is 2.0) I'll see if I can get a website up to allow you to plug in and adjust variables to your own condition and situation. In the meantime, here's a simple example of what I mean.

if you're single and are leaving a job making $50K gross per year (roughly the national average), aren't a slacker, doper or alcoholic, are paying for your northbound AT thru-hike via savings (rather than credit cards), have the same pre-hike income rolling in again within 90 calendar days of summiting Katahdin, have a 15% to 20% reduction of everyday expenses 180 days after summiting Katahdin (expected after an AT thru-hike) the point where your extra savings post-hike has overcome the direct and indirect costs for your AT thru-hike is about 30 months to 36 months after your climb of Katahdin. If you make more than 50K the financial payoff is quicker, less than 50K it's longer.

But here's the most important point -- from that point on, past the 30 to 36 months following Katahdin, the savings is all gravy. Even if you have some retracement back toward your pre-hike style of living, your savings over your lifetime is still gigantic.

That doesn't even take into account the gain you're going to realize from having clarity of thinking, a super self-confidence level and a sense of calmness apparent to others following you passing every white blaze and completing your AT thru-hike.

So what will you do with all that savings in expenses from realizing how little it takes to make you happy?

You'll likely move toward paying down personal debt and living frugally and that will clear the way on the path toward financial freedom and financial independence.


Posted by2 years ago

At Thru Hikers Blog 2018


Prospective 2018 AT Thru-hikers -- The Payoff

When a thru-hiker passes every white blaze and completes an Appalachian Trail thru-hike, they're invigorated with an immense level of self-confidence. That is invaluable on the Serengeti Plain of Society today.

The bounds of your opportunities are limitless afterward.

Plus there is a great deal of clarity in thinking when completing an AT thru-hike (assuming all that positive energy and clarity hasn't been squandered on Facebook Live, watching CNN on a phone inside a shelter or some BS continual life-sucking postings on Instagram).

All kinds of financial benefits accrue from passing every white blaze and completing a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. The biggest plus? This goes on for a lifetime -- the financial cost of your AT thru-hike is probably paid off with three years of you summiting Katahdin.

Then it's gravy after that.

It's not just you being in tip-top shape and having an enviable aerobic capacity.

It's you taking those lessons from the Trail and making this work for an entire lifetime.
