Nikon Serial Number Manufacture Date

  1. Nikon Serial Number Lookup
  2. Detroit Serial Number Manufacture Date

Nikon/Nikkor F Serial Numbers and Production Dates. Dhi west crack free. The Nikon F camera was produced between March 1959 and October 1973. The very first serial number was 6400001 and upon Japanese publications the last serial number was 7451052 (Peter Braczko, Nikon Pocket Book, July 1994, page 4-7: «The last serial numbers of the Nikon F production are 7451048. Nikon F2 Serial Numbers and Production Dates. The Nikon F2 camera was produced between autumn 1971 and January 1980. The first serial number was 7100001 and upon the literature the last serial number was in the 806xxxx range. 710xxxx 1971 to 1972 711xxxx 1972 to 1972 712xxxx JUN 1972 to 1972 713xxxx 1972.

Nikon Serial Number Lookup

OK, this is a long shot, but I have tried really hard (without success) to find an online source for dating Nikon camera bodies. Lenses, no problem - bodies, forget it :frown:!
So, I would like to ask for volunteers who know the year of manufacture (or purchase, if bought new) of their Nikon SLRs to post details of their Nikon SLR serial numbers (or at least the first 3 or 4 digits :wink, so that the rest of us can get an idea when our cameras were built.
Obviously, if (like me :redface you own Nikon SLRs but don't know the year of manufacture, there's not much point in posting just the serial number here. Still, if we can at least get some posts from those who do have a fairly good idea of the year that their camera hails from, then we could all benefit from that knowledge :smile:.
This thread is open to any Nikon SLRs (and RFs too, I guess). If we are lucky enough to get lots of posts, then it should be easy for forum members to simply put the model that they are interested in into the 'Search' function and bring up any entries for it that way :smile:. (Personally, I would love to hear from any FA owners who could help me find out what year a 5304XXX serial number belongs to :biggrin.
As I said, there appears to be no official source for this info (but please do correct me if I'm wrong), so please take part in the thread if you have anything at all to share . Thanks!
Ps4 serial number manufacture date

Detroit Serial Number Manufacture Date

Purchased and picked up a 610 from a local camera store and noticed the box wasn't quite pristine - nothing alarmingly torn, nor return tape marks, but
enough to get me thinking about when the camera was manufactured by Nikon. Called Nikon, told them the serial number, and they told me the
camera was distributed for purchase (sent to a store) in early December, 2013. Thus, it has been sitting on the shelf or in the stockroom (I assume) in the store
since December. Maybe it was displayed in the store, maybe not. SO i decided that for the money this is costing me, i would like a more recently
manufactured camera - a fresh boxed one, so to speak. Called the store and they said they have another one in stock, and I can trade for that one - but they
could not guarantee when that was sent to the store or how long they have had it.
The store was willing to cooperate to that level and i have little to complain about when it comes to their willingness to help me with all my questions about
cameras, equipment, settings, etc. Nevertheless, I am returning to the store to compare the two cameras and packaging. What would you do, if anything?
There was no damage to the camera, and it looked fine. But I wondered if there was a problem with the first D610s manufactured, if the had used the camera
as a display model ( i don't like purchasing display models of anything unless incentivized with a large discount), and i also wondered if i was worrying about
Any advice?
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